AMASS // to gather, assemble, congregate… people, spaces, objects.

Our mission is to create Architecture that is functional, soulful, and sustainable.

We are a team of Architects and Designers working across Victoria and Western Australia on a range of residential, community and commercial projects with a desire to unlock hidden potential.

At AMASS, the solution for each project is a product of our unique design process, driven by research, consultation, and collaboration. This process is aided by the use of advanced digital tools to explore new approaches to design, documentation, and construction.

Studio Directors Kieran and Paul bring their international experience and passion for purposeful, crafted and sustainable design to every AMASS project.

Kieran is a registered Architect who has over 10 years experience working on complex projects in Australia and Internationally.

Originally from Perth, Kieran moved to London in 2014 where he worked for Grimshaw Architects designing city-changing projects including Euston Station, Gatwick Airport Station, a multi-residential development at Nine Elms and the award-winning London Bridge Station to name a few.

In 2017 Kieran relocated to Melbourne, Australia where he worked on a range of commercial, stadia and rail projects.

Kieran has a keen interest in Net-Zero architecture and the adaptive re-use of existing buildings.

Kieran also enjoys teaching Architecture with a focus on sustainable design principles and has held positions at Monash University and the University of Western Australia. He is also a Member of the City of Vincent Design Review Panel specialising in sustainability and architectural design.

Originally from Perth, Paul is a registered Architect in WA and Victoria who has experience both in Australia and Internationally working for acclaimed firms such as Pritzker Prize laureates RCR Arquitectes (Spain) and Denton Corker Marshall (Melbourne).

Soon after graduating from the University of WA in 2015, Paul moved overseas where he played primary design roles on projects of different typologies, contexts and budgets such as, infrastructure in Austria, residential in Dubai and educational/civic in the UK.

Upon returning to Australia in 2018, Paul focused on the design-coordination and delivery of large scale residential projects throughout the Melbourne CBD and did so until the end of 2021.

Paul is passionate about the urban environment and in particular, the built form and re-activation of his home town Perth.

He has also held positions at Melbourne University and the University of Western Australia where he taught design to students of Architecture.